On This Page


The Surname Index chapter is used to control the location of the Surname Index in your book. It is typically placed near the end of the book, preceding the Name Index chapter. Gedcom Publisher generates the content for the chapter automatically.

For information about other chapter types, see the Chapters help page.

Usage Guidelines and Limitations

  1. You should not disable the Surname Index chapter. The Surname Index and Name Index are essential for quick navigation within the book.
  2. You should not add multiple Surname Index chapters. Gedcom Publisher will ignore the second and subsequent Surname Index chapters.



The Title property identifies the chapter in the list of chapters list. The title appears in the chapter and in the Table of Contents.

See the Include in Chapter Count for an explanation of using "{#}" in the title.


You should not disable this chapter.

Include in Table of Contents

The Include in Table of Contents property determines whether a chapter is included in the Table of Contents.

Include in Chapter Count

The Include in Chapter Count property indicates whether a chapter is counted when assigning the sequential chapter number that Gedcom Publisher inserts into chapter titles when "{#}" is included in the Title property text.

Include in Chapter Count is usually unchecked for special purpose chapters such as the table of contents or a dedication page.

If you include the text "{#}" in your title, Gedcom Publisher will replace that text with the chapter number.

If Include in Chapter Count is unchecked, you should not use "{#}" in your title. If you do, the number will be the same as the previous numbered chapter.

Using "{#}" in your title makes it easier to maintain sequential chapter numbers by letting Gedcom Publisher count the chapters for you.